I know firsthand the struggles working families face - I’m the product of one. I’m a young woman, an expert in criminal justice, and an experienced community organizer who is willing to fight for a brighter future in Wyoming. My home is in beautiful West Side Laramie, and I will be proud to represent the many different communities of my district at the Wyoming State Legislature.

I’m a young woman who’s invested in working for a brighter future in Albany County and Wyoming.

I grew up poor, sometimes on public assistance. In 2005, like so many other families, we lost our home to foreclosure. A year later a fire burned my grandmother's house down, my second home. With two permanently disabled parents who did everything they could to provide but weren’t able to get ahead, I knew that the deck was stacked against me. At 16 I left home and school.

Through hard work, piles of student debt, and the grace of those who believed in me, I beat the odds, went to college, and earned my Ph.D. at the University of Wyoming.

My obsession with justice has driven my research on the psychology of the American legal system and guided my advocacy efforts in my community. I deeply love Laramie and the beautiful state of Wyoming, and I’m willing to work on its behalf. Since 2018, I have been the executive director of Albany County for Proper Policing, which has worked diligently towards transparency and accountability of local law enforcement.

My husband Nate, and I look forward to building our lives here and to helping build our community along the way. And I look forward to listening to members of my community on their ideas about criminal justice, healthcare, economic instability, public lands, and more.


I am an avid outdoorswoman who mountain bikes, skis, hikes, camps, and photographs the incredible landscapes and wildlife of Wyoming. Wyoming’s beautiful country is why I will never leave this great state.


I am the product of a working-class family who struggled to make ends meet. I know what it’s like to work paycheck to paycheck, be sick without health insurance, and feel stuck in poverty with little opportunity to get ahead.


Women face specific challenges in Wyoming. We are far more likely to be minimum wage earners and far less likely to have access to healthcare. The gender pay gap, domestic violence, inadequate childcare, and a lack of political representation are all issues I will work to fight against.


As the Executive Director of Albany County for Proper Policing, I have had the privilege of listening to my neighbors in Albany County on what issues and solutions they see in policing, mental health services, and local government. Following the lead of our community, ACoPP pushed out the good ol' boys who refused to be transparent and hold themselves accountable.


I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Wyoming and published research during my first term. During my time at the University, I was an invited speaker, instructor, and board member for an organization aimed at improving science communication. My formal education has been tremendously helpful in presenting information to my colleagues in Cheyenne to enact policy that works for the people of Wyoming.


As an educated, 32-year-old woman, I understand millennial issues. We’re highly educated, economically insecure, and have a lot of student loan debt. Being a young woman, I also know what it's like to face the uncertain future of employment in Wyoming. To continue serving you, I have created my own employment opportunities to ensure I have the time to work towards your concerns.

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